HAL interface

for preliminary discussion


HAL interface consists of waiting and time, communication, and EEPROM access functions (TODO: any other?)

Data structures


    describes various objects/events that can be waited; respectively, must address all of such objects (in particular, SPI, I2C, etc; details are TBD and is as follows)


    expresses time in a way understood by HAL; a set of converting functions (or macros) must be provided to go back and force between SA_TIME_VAL and usual time units (such as seconds), and to perform necessary operations. Internal structure of SA_TIME_VAL must be of no interest to OS.

Initializing functions

void hal_init();

performs whatever initialization after system reboot (communication, eeprom, etc) from hardware point of view (for instance, may include functionality of a presently existing communication_initialize(), hal_init_eeprom_access(), etc).

Waiting functions

uint8_t hal_wait_for( WAITING_FOR* wf );

waiting for objects described in WAITING_FOR struct. Returns when one or more events heppen.

void hal_mcu_sleep( uint16_t sec, uint8_t transmitter_state_on_exit );

causes MCU to go to sleep mode and returns at the end of this period; no other processing is done until this function retuens (for obvious reason). TBD: way to supply time interval (seconds vs. SA_TIME_VAL)

void hal_gravely_power_inefficient_micro_sleep( SA_TIME_VAL* timeval );

presently named just_sleep( SA_TIME_VAL* timeval ), a blocking call; a time interval should not be permitted to be somehow substantial (say, in order of 1 ms max)

Time functions

void hal_get_time( SA_TIME_VAL* t );

fills SA_TIME_VAL struct; the result may then be used by supplying as is in a various time and wait related functions

  • TODO: add time conversion and other related functions/macros

Communication functions

uint8_t hal_send_packet( MEMORY_HANDLE mem_h, uint8_t bus_id, uint8_t intrabus_id );

TODO: think about ‘NOT_USED’ value for intrabus_id

bool hal_get_packet_bytes( MEMORY_HANDLE mem_h );

used for actual getting of the packet bytes (for instance, when hal_wait_for indicates that packet bytes are available). Used in repeated way together with hal_wait_for; returns true, when the whole packet is received. Note: by definition, packet ends when this call returns true; whether packet is integral will be checkedbeyond HAL.

void hal_turn_receiver_on_off( bool turn_on );

does nothing if receiver is already in a requested state

EEPROM access functions

bool hal_eeprom_write( const uint8_t* data, uint16_t size, uint16_t address );


bool hal_eeprom_read( uint8_t* data, uint16_t size, uint16_t address);


void hal_eeprom_flush();

when this function returns, results of previous ‘write’ operations are guaranteed to be actually stored in eeprom. Note: depending on a particular archetecture this may be an empty call.

Digital pin operation functions

bool hal_read_digital_pin( uint16_t pin_num );
void hal_write_digital_pin( uint16_t pin_num, bool value );

SPI and I2C operation functions

In the following calls each size is in bits. TODO: discuss the order of bits within an unsigned int representing command/data

void hal_start_sending_spi_command_16( uint8_t spi_id, uint16_t addr, uint8_t addr_sz, uint16_t command, uint8_t command_sz);
void hal_start_sending_spi_command_32( uint8_t spi_id, uint16_t addr, uint8_t addr_sz, uint32_t command, uint8_t command_sz);
void hal_start_sending_i2c_command_16( uint8_t i2c_id, uint16_t addr, uint8_t addr_sz, uint16_t command, uint8_t command_sz);
void hal_start_sending_i2c_command_32( uint8_t i2c_id, uint16_t addr, uint8_t addr_sz, uint32_t command, uint8_t command_sz);

Each of the above hal_start_sending_*() calls start an operation and return immediately; (if at all possible) to know that the request is already performed caller should wait for a respective spi_id / i2c_id by calling hal_wait_for(), and hal_wait_for() should return as soon as HAL finds the operation is over.

uint8_t hal_start_receiving_spi_data_16( uint8_t spi_id, uint16_t addr, uint8_t addr_sz, uint16_t* data);
uint8_t hal_start_receiving_spi_data_32( uint8_t spi_id, uint16_t addr, uint8_t addr_sz, uint32_t* data);
uint8_t hal_start_receiving_i2c_data_16( uint8_t i2c_id, uint16_t addr, uint8_t addr_sz, uint16_t* data);
uint8_t hal_start_receiving_i2c_data_32( uint8_t i2c_id, uint16_t addr, uint8_t addr_sz, uint32_t* data);

Each of the above hal_start_receiving_*() calls start an operation and return immediately; to know that the data is already received caller should wait for a respective spi_id / i2c_id by calling hal_wait_for(), and hal_wait_for() should return as soon as HAL finds the operation is over.

uint8_t hal_cancel_spi_operation( uint8_t spi_id );
uint8_t hal_cancel_i2c_operation( uint8_t spi_id );

Each of the above hal_cancel_*() calls return immediately. TODO: do we need to supply as parameters addr and addr_sz as well?

Special TX/RX functions

bool hal_set_frequency();

parameters? ret?

void hal_adjust_transmitting_power( bool increase );

Increases or decreases transmitting power; decrease is done when possible; increase is done until max possible power is reached.

void hal_set_max_transmitting_power();
int8_t hal_get_min_max_transmitting_power();

If we need a range, think about returning a pair, or about splitting this call into two (for min and max).

bool hal_is_frequency_adjustable();
void hal_adjust_frequency();

Input parameters?